Drinking and the Holidays – Christmas and New Years – December 19, 2016

Families in Action is live every Monday on KHTS AM 1220 from 12PM-1PM as hosts Cary Quashen and Michael R. Dougherty speak with local teens and families experiencing growing pains
Hosts: Cary Quashen and Michael Dougherty
Topic: Drinking and the Holidays — Christmas and New Years
During the holidays, those who are problem drinkers spiral deeper and deeper into trouble.
Families in Action: December 19, 2016
“If you want this thing to work, show up with ’em … if you want your kids to be good be the role model that you want.” – Cary Quashen
Parent Support Group every Tuesday from 7-9 pm.
Drunk driving accounted for 60% of the arrests during the Holiday Season in Santa Clarita Valley the previous two years.
“Many people consume too much alcohol because their friends push them to.” – Michael Dougherty
- If you are choosing not to drink stay away from the bar area
- If you’re going to drink don’t drive
- Don’t be the person that enables an alcoholic
“We’re not even saying don’t drink–don’t drink and drive. – Cary Quashen